Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Journey- Pharisee vs. Tax Collector

Take some time and read Luke 18:9-14.

One of the first questions Pastor Bill asked in his journey guide this week was this:
Do you most identify with the Pharisee or the Tax Collector in the story?…All the time or in certain situations?
For me. I used to identify with the Pharisee. I had my reasons why I was better than everyone else. I propped myself up upon my religious "accomplishments" and had a pointy finger for those who didn't "measure up" to my standard.

But thankfully God broke me of that. Granted he kicked out my prop from underneath me, but it was a much needed fall from pride and arrogance to grace and humility. Today, I see more similarities with me and the tax collector. I long for a heart that Jesus gently forms and guides.

I believe the times I struggle today with a judging heart is actually with the Pharisee. I have found it more difficult to forgive and give grace to Pharisees. I want Him to keep working with me on that, because the Pharisees need a change of heart as much as the tax collector. Jesus was about changing hearts, if that is the case, then I need to join him in that by him changing mine and being open to how he will use me to guide others.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Journey Guide 3 weeks late

I thought I would follow the journey guide we are doing as a church and interact with you through the blog. I will try and do this weekly or multiple times a week. If you ever miss the week we hand it out at church, it is always downloadable on our website http://www.newlifecommunitychurch.us/ as well as the sermon.

This week we looked at Luke 15:1-10. One of my favorite passages, the lost sheep and the lost coin. The first question I want to interact about is this:

What does it mean to you to be sought after (as in God seeking after you)?

That blows my mind. When I look at God, at times, I am overwhelmed by how awesome He is, I am in awe that he created this world, but so much more, the entire universe and then some. That he has enough care to add delicate detail to a flower and a glimpse of his power in a lightening bolt. Yet, he longs to be in a relationship with me. Yet, he pursues me with a love that is relentless. He will not stop pursuing me or those around me. That blows my mind.

My God, our God is amazing.