Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Journey Guide 3 weeks late

I thought I would follow the journey guide we are doing as a church and interact with you through the blog. I will try and do this weekly or multiple times a week. If you ever miss the week we hand it out at church, it is always downloadable on our website as well as the sermon.

This week we looked at Luke 15:1-10. One of my favorite passages, the lost sheep and the lost coin. The first question I want to interact about is this:

What does it mean to you to be sought after (as in God seeking after you)?

That blows my mind. When I look at God, at times, I am overwhelmed by how awesome He is, I am in awe that he created this world, but so much more, the entire universe and then some. That he has enough care to add delicate detail to a flower and a glimpse of his power in a lightening bolt. Yet, he longs to be in a relationship with me. Yet, he pursues me with a love that is relentless. He will not stop pursuing me or those around me. That blows my mind.

My God, our God is amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What does it mean to be sought after by God?
It means I'm special. It means He has a plan for me- He has a plan for everyone. It means he loves me and wants me to walk with him.
As Aaron mentioned His awesome power- I'm in awe of it every day. How beautiful the sunrise is. Even the body the God has given us. How interesting it works. Even how animals (and flowers) are all so for a reason only God knows. Crazy- Cool!