Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Experiencing God- God's Motivation

I would like to lead with a quote from Erwin McManus, in his book Soul Cravings:

I think many of us have rightly given up on God at times in our relationship. We’ve been told that God is a reluctant lover and that his standards must be met before there can be any talk of love. This is lunacy. Love exists because God is love. Our souls will never find satisfaction until our hearts have found this love that we so desperately yearn for. God is not passive, for love is never passive, but always passionate and passion always leads to action.

God's motivation for us is LOVE, but we have gotten in the way of that love. We have convinced our selves that we are not worthy of His love, that we are too screwed up to receive any love, much less a love from the God of the universe. We are more driven to play a hopeless romantic version of love with a bouquet of flowers. With each pedal we pick, we simply ponder, "He loves me, He love me not, He loves me, He loves me not." And depending on how we finish the flower, will determine the love God has for us. For instance, “he loves me (because I said a kind word to my co-worker), he loves me not (because I cut off a guy and "pointed" at him in traffic), he loves me (I made it to church), he loves me not (I didn’t put anything in the offering plate), he loves (I called my mom on her birthday), he loves me not (I forgot my wife's anniversary).”

Romans 5:8 says it perfectly, “God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” We don't have to get our act together for God to love us. God loves me personally, passionately, and longs for me to live out of that love.

My prayer for you, is that next time you pick up a flower and begin to wonder does God love me, the scenario would look like this: He loves me, He loves me, He loves me, He loves me . . . . . . . . . He loves ME.

God longs to be in a relationship with you because he loves you, are you willing to love him back?

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