Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rock Solid

Don't have much experience building especially foundations. But I do remember building a “go kart". I use that term loosely because it was me and some neighborhood boys who found all this scrap wood and I had left over wheels, probably not much more that 6". Well we thought we could build something that could roll, as long as we were going downhill and someone gave us a head start push. So as I sat on it for the test run, (it was my wheels and I was the smallest, I got to go first), Jeff gave me a push, the wheels bowed out and I sunk in the middle. Needless to say, our design was flawed, we had no frame. We had no support, no structure.

When I read the parable of the wise and foolish builder, I think of that. Take a read of Matthew 7:24-27:

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against the house, and it fell with a great crash."

The first obvious observation is where are you building? Not just your life- do you believe in God? But each area of life. It's not good enough, to simply say I have God as a part of my life. To have a solid foundation, we need to say each area of my life has God as its foundation.

Today, where do you need to strengthen your frame, your foundation? Is it in your family, workplace, responses, finances, truth, forgiveness, grace? Where do you need to establish a rock solid foundation?

The other observation that is so valuable about this story is that everyone gets wet. The storm impacts each builder. And that is true of you and me. Folks, our strong foundation doesn't exempt us from the storm, it provides protection, weathers us during the storm. I know that because of the many storms I have faced, the hurricane force winds or the blizzard. They were translated in marital storms, financial hurricans, moral floods, abuse type winds, miscarriages, and failure.

Folks, I have been learning; growing in asking a new question, not why the storm? But what do I need to do to button down the hatch and secure myself to my rock solid foundation? For me storms come and go in life, today I want to know that I am holding onto the presence of God and that his footings of love, truth, grace and forgiveness are my foundation. I want to be walled in by peace, hope, joy, patience as we endure the storm. Folks, it isn't about believing in the things of God, it is hearing and putting them into practice.

Today, what foundation do you need to make rock solid? And the storm that you are in today, what are one of God's secure promises do you need to hold onto and put into practice?


Deb said...

I remember sand castles, add to the wave analogy of Bill's message and you can see what happens to sand castles. Whoosh! So many areas of my life need to be founded on a stronger rock! I am working on these, I liked the last verse of chapter. Jesus taught like man of authority, not man of law. Gods Word! Not man's law!

James E. Parker said...

Good stuff Aaron
What a great Illus. of how important it is to build on something that will take us somewhere. Thanks for sharing.


Aaron Martell said...

I agree with that last verse, it is God's authority and the power and strength that gives us. We are so quick to jump through the "have-to's" that we miss the depth he is wanting to bring. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing.

Deb said...

Good message from Bill again to thhink God has a rock with my "true" name on it...and I am working towards that name! Your comment earlier this week Aaron, on Twitter I think, about doing what we think we "should" do...really touched a place in me. For so long I did what I thought I should, instead of listening to Gods word!

Toina Stephan said...

Hello my name is Tonia Stephan, I recently read this blog...I believe building on God & a Godly foundation are what I & my children need to do with my life now ... When I was a child I felt God's spirit many time's in my life. I was raised in a church & severe & great division happened in that church i was around 16 yrs old .I know God wanted me to be apart of his ministry.However, I have been decieved by devils powers & not lived the life God intended me to live & let fear, desolusion,&unforgiveness,lust,confusion control my life... Until now I recently have or rather the last two month's have An un exsplainable desire for God's Love & spirit in my life... I felt God wanted me to change my life drasticlly & i have...Ive been searching the bible God has shown me many thing's through his word's And his spirit has directed me so far...I attended the Good Friday service ... I've been waiting on God to direct me to a place where my children & i can thrive & live & help to live the life's God intended us to have .I want to live & do whatever God want's me to do I feel compelled to tell others about God's true love for us...
I have never ever felt this ever before not like this... I'm sure God directed me to the New Life tribe . God is going to restore me I believe completely & my whole family I feel it in my soul. With God's Love Tonia Stephan :)

Aaron Martell said...

Tonia, thank you so much for sharing and be as vulnerable as you are. I know that in my own brokeness God has lead me to incredible peace and freedom, experiencing him more in ways I never expected. I do look forward to see what God will do in you and your family.
