Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Close Encounters- the Dance

In Mark we first encounter Jesus when he is going to be baptized. Take some time and read Mark 1:9-11.

- Who were the characters within the story?
- How did they interact with one another?

“Father, Son, and Holy Spirit relating with one another, uplifting one another, sharing love and power with one another.” Aaron’s message- Close Encounters- the Dance

C.S. Lewis says in Mere Christianity, “In Christianity God is not a static thing . . . but a dynamic, pulsating activity, a life, almost a kind of drama. Almost if you will not think me irreverent, a kind of dance.”

- What does it look like or mean for you to see your relationship with God as a kind of dance?

Take a look at this dance by one of our Packer favorites, Donald Driver in DWTS- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fM03bC549g&feature=share

How would your relationship with God be different if it had a similar dynamic, energy filled life?

Dear Lord or do I call you dance partner,
I’m not too sure about this whole dance thing. This week, would you open my eyes to what you want to show me? Help me embrace this encounter with you as an intimate dance. May you lead me towards a dynamic, pulsating relationship with you and others.
In the Power of Your Name Jesus, Amen


James E. Parker said...

What a great post Aaron. I love the picture you painted of the dance with God being energetic. I often think of it as more of a boring ballet and that is not at all what it is. With God, we Tango. lol

Thanks for sharing. Great stuff. I wish I could of heard the message I'll have to listen online.


Aaron Martell said...

Jim, thanks for sharing. I appreciate it. It was a great perspective that Tim Keller helped lead me in. I think it really opened my eyes to the possibility how off we get some time. And why we don't experience the intimacy we want to with God.